The Intersubjective Ecology Lab: Collaborative More-than-Human and Artistic Pedagogies
Founded on the premise that all living beings and systems are subjects in their own right, the Intersubjective Ecology Lab (IEL) is a collaborative effort at innovative, creative and experimental ways of reviving or arriving at socio-ecological knowledges and relationships that can help us reimagine our present and future beyond the so-called era of ‘the Anthropocene’ by supporting ecosystemic well-being on a local and planetary scale. During the Highland Gathering 2023, we hosted various sessions; from a philosophical dialogue on decolonizing our relations with, and the meanings of ‘nature’, to a workshop on participatory improvisation theatre as a tool for embodied storytelling and imaginative learning from a ‘more-than-humane’ world, in collaboration with experimental philosopher and artist Jonathon Keats’ bestiaries project. It also included discussions on ethics towards an Atlas of Indigenous Ecological Knowledges in collaboration with the Ekologos Global Environmental Humanities Project, which served as preparations for a collaborative fieldwork in which we audio-visually documented Naga oral literatures: place-based stories and songs of belonging in a more-than-human world.